29 April 2009

Kynadee's 1st Communion (yes, from April 2009)

I am such a bad blogger....so here are some pics back from April (when I started this post) of Kynadee's 1st Communion. Hopefully I can get a few more posts done soon and catch up to the current time....soccer season is here and games are starting tomorrow...rodeo is over for the season. Lots of things have happened since I last posted, hubby is back to work and I am still not back but will be before too long :( but thankful for having a job. Got some new horses, sold a couple of others...need to sell some more! LOL!! Until next time...and hopefully it will not be 5 months down the road...lol

12 April 2009

Easter Weekend

This is more of a continuation from Good Friday since I didn't have time to put in all the pictures for that entry. Not only did we have crawfish but we played volleyball and the kids rode with pawpaw on the 4-wheeler. My nephew is pictured below and let me tell you, if you think his cheeks are red in the pictured you should have seen him before he rested a bit!!!
Looks as if my oldest (in the red) is telling pawpaw how much fun he is having in this shot... Our daughter looks as though she is trying to pick at their cousin under pawpaw's arm.

"So how many rounds has that been so far?" I can imagine pawpaw was getting quite bored with the situation but as long as his koozie was filled he was good...lol

My brother figured out that our nephew loves to be thrown up in the air... he would back up to my brother over and over for him to do it again and again... I love this shot!

And here is my sister and her hubby. We got to visit with them this morning before they headed back to Mobile AL. My nephew threw a fit getting into the car, guess he wasn't ready to go yet.

These are some volleyball action shots I got of our son. He really enjoyed the game as did the rest of us. We used to play all the time growing up and it had been a long time since I had played but its just like riding a bike, you just don't forget! We really had a blast!

11 April 2009

Good Friday Crawfish...YUM

So I can't remember ever not having crawfish on Good Friday: well... except when I wasn't home during the time I was in the Navy, but other than that I have always gone to my dad's house where he would boil up anywhere from 70 - 90 pounds of crawfish, and of course you can't have crawfish without potatoes and corn on the cob. They also boiled some onions and mushrooms but I am not a fan of those two things so I can't tell you how they tasted but everyone who did eat them enjoyed them. We had a great day and we had wonderful weather to boot.

The kids godparents brought a bowl of fruit, and on top of the mixture of cantelope, watermelon and grapes where the sweetest strawberries I have had this year...they were delicious.

Here is my brother diggin in, he lives in New Orleans now so he is close to home and can come in for the holidays. He was in Missouri for several years and we didn't see very much of him but he is back and definately making up for lost time... (or lost meals...lol)

And here is my baby sister, who has a baby of her own now which took me like forever to get used to and I still have to pinch myself sometimes... Her little family was able to make it in from Mobile AL. They usually make it in for most holidays as well so we are fortunate enough to get to see my little nephew on a pretty regular basis!

Well, I had to put him in here too.... here is the hubby. Sucking the heads, YUCK! Crawfish brains and fat is not something I think I would enjoy so... I just don't eat it! I love crawfish but not quite THAT much! And yep, that is his single crutch leaned up on the chair to the left, he is currently down to one crutch and we hope he will be healed up soon enough to be off them completely... (and go back to work...lol)

29 March 2009

Little Dribblers 2009

Well, before the whole broken leg episode, the kids had been participating in the schools
Little Dribblers Basketball Program, so here are a few pics of various games ...
"yeah, just try and get that ball past me..."

My hubby was the assistant coach for our son's team but due to his broken leg right before our last game he was unable to help out and missed out on the group photo...

And here is our girl, this was her first year playing and she absolutely loved it, her coach called her the "chaos maker"... it was funny since she was the smallest one on the team but caused the most drama, but she has a knack for being a little drama queen so it came natural...lol

"Ok ladies, lets keep our eyes on the ball!"

Overall the kids had a great time and they are looking forward to next year. Now its rodeo time and then back to soccer this fall. Its just one big circle that never ends.

28 March 2009


Well, as usual, we have been having a lot of FUN around our house lately... Almost 5 weeks ago my hubby broke his leg. The first two weeks I felt as if I had a new born baby again since I had to get up every 3 hours in the middle of the night. Luckily, it was a clean break and thankfully it wasn't a compound fracture which it came pretty close to being. The following pics aren't for the faint of heart so beware...they were taken about a week after the incident. He broke both bones in the leg about 3 inches above his ankle. The doctor inserted a rod into the tibia (shin bone) and put 2 screws at the top and 2 screws at the bottom to hold it in place so it would not rotate. The tibia is like a chicken bone, it is hollow, so they just drilled a hole in the bone just under the knee and screwed the rod into the tibia. Pretty amazing how they do things these days.

He had around 2 dozen staples placed over the various insisions. He was told he would be on crutches for 4 - 6 weeks. We are currently working on week 5. After week 2 the doctor told him to start putting weight on the leg. He can now hobble around with one crutch or if he has something to hold onto he can move around without the crutches at all. This past week there has been a lot of improvement. I finally returned to work last night for the first time since the accident and hopefully he can return to work soon as well. Unfortunately we will be unable to go on a family vacation this year due to our new bills but since my hubby will not be completely healed for 3 or 4 months, a vacation isn't something that would be much fun now anyway. Here are a couple of more recent pics, taken about 5 days ago, he tries to get outside as much as he can since he feels cooped up all the time, then it rained for several days and that kept him in the house even more so he was ready for a little stroll...

Too bad this is as close as he can get to helping me with our horse chores...good thing he will be off the crutches soon, its a lot easier when we share the load.... until next time.

15 February 2009

My New Camera...

Although there are lots of things I need to learn about my new Nikon D80,
I really like the quality that it delivers thus far. Here are a few pics I have taken so far...

This is Kodee - our 6 yr old gelding

This is Bella - recently registered as Lady Blue Bella
(my hubby has a thing for ice cream and Blue Bell came to mind...LOL)

And this is our American Bulldog - Beaux
Well, these are just a few...I actually took loads of pics at the kids little dribblers games yesterday and I will go through them and see if I was able to capture some
clear action shots that I can upload to the blog...until next time...