24 November 2008

Isn't It Fantastic!!!

I love my new header and background! Shelsscraps did a awesome job! You can get one too, just click on her blinkie over to the right and drop her a line.

I wasn't sure what I wanted at first but I just sent her some photos and gave her some general info of things I thought would look good and WAH-LAH....I have a terrific new look! Thanks so much Shelly!

07 November 2008

My poor SUV...

Well, here is the outcome of some truck drivers ignorant thinking that it is ok to pass a vehicle on the shoulder and not caring if all his trailer accessories are stowed away properly...

I just thank God that the kids were not in the vehicle, glass flew everywhere...

Halloween Pics....sorry so late...

So here he is dressed as Indiana Jones. The kids got to ride on the back of a trailer lined with hay bales as they cruised around town in search of a sugar high....

Nope, she isn't pretending. Lil Miss Hannah Montana got in a power nap before heading out on the search. And yes, she is laid out on our coffee table, this child can sleep anywhere...

Here he is again, Mr. Indiana Jones...I tried to make his beard look like a 5 o'clock shadow but it didn't come out as well as I had hoped...he just looks like he needed a shave.

And here is Miss Hannah Montana, bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to hit the road in search of CANDY!!!!

04 November 2008

Halloween Plus...

Well, we have been busy...between work, school, danceline and Halloween just over the past couple of weeks I have barely had enough time to come up for air. And then, to top things off, I was in a sort of car accident on Monday. While waiting to turn left at a Y an impatient truck driver decided to go around me on the shoulder and a pole like thing came lose and slammed into the back of my SUV. The back glass of my lift gate completely shattered and glass flew all over my vehicle. Luckily the kids were still in school so they were not with me but the entire ordeal scared the crap out of me. I have been fortunate not to have been in any accidents and I thank God that no one was hurt in this one. Anyway, I am waiting on my insurance adjustor to come out and take a look at my vehicle and I also got lucky enough that the vehicle behind the 18 wheeler got the tag number off of his trailer because he didn't stop, at all... Oh well, I did everything I was supposed to do and now we just wait...but all is well and everyone is good and that is all that matters. Well, I will try to put up some more pics soon. Have a wonderful day! Until next time...